Komatsu Galeo WA600-6R Wheel Loader Official Field Assembly Instruction Manual
Komatsu Galeo WA600-6R Wheel Loader Official Field Assembly Instruction Manual
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This is the COMPLETE Official Field Assembly Instruction Manual for the Komatsu Galeo Wheel Loader.
This manual describes how to assemble the units into the complete
machine in the field.
It's contains information and data to this model. has specs, diagrams, and actual real photo illustrations, and schemes.
This PDF file is Bookmarked and SEARCHABLE to make what you need easy to find.
This Field Assembly Instruction manual provides you with everything you need to know in order to assembly your tractor safely and effectively. Step-by-step assembly procedure, parts installation, adjustment and maintenance procedure after completion of assembly.
Diagrams are provided with the listings to aid the service technician in identifying clearly the parts that need to be ordered.
Models And Serials :
65001 and up
1 Block outline..............................................................................................1
2 Principal component dimension table .......................................................2
3 Work space layout ....................................................................................3
4 General assembly schedule......................................................................4
5 Operating equipment, jigs and tools .........................................................5
6 Oil, grease and paints ...............................................................................8
7 Assembly procedure .................................................................................9
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