Case IH International 650 Diesel Tractor Official Operator's Manual
Case IH International 650 Diesel Tractor Official Operator's Manual
The Best PDF Manuals Online Includes : Bookmarks + Searchable Text + Index = Fast Navigation And Best Organization !
This is the COMPLETE Official Official Operators Manual for the Case IH International 650 Diesel Tractor.
This PDF file is Bookmarked and SEARCHABLE to make what you need easy to find.
maintenance of your Tractors. Refer to the Detail Index at the
end of this manual for locating specific items about your machine.
Models & Serials Covered:
Table of Contents:
Delivery report (to be filled in when tractor is delivered)
Serial numbers, engine and tractor
Before starting your new tractor
Diesel fuel oil specifications
Instruments and controls
Preparing your tractor for each day's work
Views of the tractors
Operating Your Tractor
Driving the tractor
Operating the diesel engine
General engine lubrication
Greasing the front wheels
Lubrication guide
Lubrication table
Lubricating oil and grease specifications
Oil filter
Air cleaning system
Battery IgnItion unIt
Cold weather precautions
Cooling system
Diesel fuel system
Gasoline strainer
Hydra-Touch system
Hydraulic power steering
Minor (tractors so equipped)
Magnteo engine service operations
Periodic Insepections
PneumatIc tires
Spark plugs and cables
Starting and lighting equipment (tractors with battery ignition)
Starting and lighting equipment (tractors with magneto)
Starting diesel engines that have been in storage
Storage battery
Storing and housing your tractor
Tachometer drive unit
Trouble shooting
Valve clearance adjustment
Extra Equipment and Accessories
Product Details :

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